Sebuah Pengingat

Signs of Someone Who Fears Allah

Do we have that fear in our heart ?
A person who is afraid, can be seen from his eyes,
He doesn't want to see something that is forbidden by Allah.
A person who is afraid, can be seen by their clothes,
He tries to wear something that is pleasing to Allah.
A person who is afraid, can be seen from their sincerity in doing good deeds,
He keeps his prayers, he keeps the commandments of Allah, he stays away from prohibited things,
That is someone who fears Him.
A person who is afraid, can be seen from their behavior,
He doesn't want to say except what pleases Allah,
He doesn't want to see except what pleases Allah.
He who fears Allah, he will be a person who is strong and steadfast in his life.
A worker who fears Allah, he will not waste his work, he tries to work professionally.
Because on the Day of Judgment, there will punishments,
Everything will be asked by Allah.

- Ustaz Badrusalam, Lc.


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